CO-WRITE A STORY OF HOPE AND UNITY today FOR A BETTER TOMORROW. understand the value of interconnectedness, transcend the sense of separation. BECOME A Co-EVOLUTION/R MEMBER:

Are you yearning to be part of our collective evolution and plant the seeds for all beings and for our planet to thrive harmoniously? Would you like to share your story, unleash your inner genius, and be part of a curated and impact-oriented dialogue between regenerative creators from all over the world? Are you a creator, scientist, writer, strategist, designer, architect, artist, developer, maker, or alike? If you have been working on or contributing to breakthrough ideas in the area of regenerative, circular, or sustainable practices, we would like to invite you to fill out our application form below so that we can get to know you, learn about your passion, your purpose, and your personal ‘R’ story. Whoever you are, if you love what you do, you know why you do it and you bring a passion and an open heart to all of your missions, we welcome you into our coevolution/r. We will get back to you to plan a personal talk.



  • The future of the human race relies deeply on our individual role as a catalyst for a grand redesign and on our capacity to individually and collaboratively co-create a new story for humanity while addressing, moment by moment, our most urgent challenges.

  • A new story that allows a better future to unfold naturally. coevolution/r is a place where we connect, co-explore, collaborate, and co-evolve together. As a member, you contribute to our curated small group conversations and take part in our next storytelling projects, labs, and literary experiments.

  • We accept only a limited number of new members to guarantee a true sense of belonging and an integral shared experience to allow meaningful interactions, authentic conversations, and common actions to happen. 

For us, regeneration is a biological, cultural, social, AND GENERATIVE process that CONSTITUTES US in our depths, from the beginning to the end of OUR whole EXISTENCE.

At once here and there. We are an evolving living organism, a continuous work in progress. We are standing on the spot where this new world emerges. We are balancing together on this imaginary rope, suspended in this hyperconnected world, with one foot in the present and the other foot in the future. We are starring at each other, gazing at the mesmerizing beauty of this super-organism, the Earth, observed from space, felt from within. Heart-stirring. We are feeling an aesthetic arrest and do not believe in imminent collapse. We need more wonder, we all agree. It is time to reset and rewire our system, inwardly, and outwardly. From having to being, from degenerating to regenerating, from fragments to unity. A civilization's metamorphosis following nature’s principles, graceful, compassionate, intuitive. We are seeing a world arising that is positive at its core. A reflection of our deepest hopes – though rooted in ancestral wisdom and insights, not in illusion or in delusion. A shift that relies greatly on our co-operation, co-imagination, and co-creation, co-renewal. As we grow up, our understanding of this wholeness is spinning a web from one tree to another, from one word to the next. Dissolving boundaries. Deconstructing separating walls. Blending and blurring the reality edges. The world as we are accustomed to, used to be a game of progress and unlimited growth - built on unsustainable codes, endless levels, and medals for the winners. Overconsumption, waste, linearity, injustice, extraction, exploitation, competition, separation. Together, we reset our systems to a new state of equilibrium taking a new story at heart and rewriting the script for the future, moment by moment, choice by choice, word by word.